I know I haven't written anything in a while, but that is due to a huge amount of studying (and partying). During the last two weeks I had a couple of mid-term exams which usually contain almost 50% of the overall grade of the particular course. So I had a huge motivation to study for those.
In the end I don't have too much to tell you about the last two weeks due to intense studying but I must admit that the way of Italian lifestyle is already getting a grip on me. Sometimes I have started to take less stress on studying and arriving on time to classes. I also must admit that I have begun to speak better Italian...
For drinking and partying, I have managed to enjoy inter-cultural liquids almost too much. Korean Soju, Finnish Koskenkorva, Italian sparkling wine, and especially Dutch beer have been a very important factor the last couple of weeks.
At the same time, I have begun to feel the approaching return back to Finland more intriguing (despite the fact that snow and darkness have once again covered the country). But before that I will still visit the hopefully warm Sicily (next week) and the Second (maybe better?) Rome, which was once called Constantinopole, and nowadays know as Istanbul.
My most enlightening days during this exchange happened last Friday, when I decide to travel alone to Assisi - also know as the "City of Peace". Assisi is home to an old monastery of Franciscan monks (some people may identify the similarity of the names with the famous weisbier). The town is very beautiful with its quiet and delicate streets and churches. You can also get a nice exercise by climbing up the hill to the center. It was also my first trip ever alone, and actually I kind of enjoyed it. For the first time I really could have my own schedule for everything I wanted to do. But of course drinking a beer or having a gelato is always better with company...
All that said, next weekend I am off to Sicilia, and so I will have my next text written about that (providing the supposed heat wont exhaust me first).
By for now! And enjoy some spectacular views of Citta del pace...
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