Last week was full of activities Roman style - well mostly. On Wednesday me and couple other Erasmus students got very wet during a very hard tropical storm when we were trying to have a peaceful meal at a pizzeria and some beers and whiskies at a very cosy Scottich pub - again. Well all of us became soaking wet but we really had a good time while other Erasmus students were partying on a boat on the river Tiber and getting wet all the time. On that day we also witnessed the very usual strikes conducted by the public transportation...
On Friday we had a very tasty and cheap carbonara dinner in the area called San Lorenzo - little South of Termini. It was a very lively place full of Italian youth "ragazzi". There we just accidently stumbled upon the ESN staff and had a great time with them. Then on Saturday I joined a tour organized by the ESN. The tour concentrated on the lovely hill of Campidoglio (Capitolium) and the Jewish quarter.
On Sunday there was the long waited Marino Wine festival with an actual fountain that had wine instead of water. We all got 750cl of red wine - which wasn't so good actually - but anyway the atmosphere was full of cultural feeling and Italian food and drink.
At the moment I am taking antibiotics in order to get rid of the cold completely which means that I can concentrate more on my studies, so no partying for me for one week. I really think that a small break will be nice.
For Finnish readers, the temperature here at the moment is 25 degrees - a little sarcastic greetings to the far North!
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